06 February 2014

wedding : danny + molly

I have known Danny for quite a long time, he is my little sister's friend and was around enough that I got to hang out with him too.  He is one of those people that you can't help but think is awesome from the moment you meet him.  So when I found he was getting married I was so excited for him, but even more happiness came when I met Molly.  She is the perfect match to his awesomeness and even beats his dance skills (which is not an easy feat!). 
They pulled together a great wedding!  Highlights for me included some of the best jumping pictures ever, too many photogenic faces to count, the real deal Thriller put on by some of the finest Odyssey dancers around (including the bride), a dance by the groomsmen which was pure genius and lots of great family and friends.  I had so much fun being a part of it all.

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